2 People Associated with "strategicsense"

Patti Blackstaffe

Calgary, AB

Also known as: strategicsense

Patti and Walt - Champions of change for people in the workplace, coaching leaders, building teams - all for collaboration, innovation, workplace community.

Patti Dragland

Calgary, AB

Also known as: strategicsense

Speaker, facilitator, trainer, idea champion and change management plan of action mover. I work with companies that care to go the extra mile to practice authenticity, transparency, and who celebrate their employees by supporting and developing their ability to add value, use their strengths, make a difference with their work and excel. Companies know that inspired and motivated people create the best results. We are here to help you strategically build on the most important component to success, relationships and culture. Time to bust down the barriers to success and create the kind of momentum your company needs to remain ahead of the competition. Positive workplace flow allows your company to grow. Each session is designed to create enjoyment, participation and provide real-life solutions, whether it's through our Idea Sessions, Change Management Initiatives, Executive Coaching or Team Building. Our mission is to bring positive change to the human relationship (between managers and their employees and leaders and their customers) crashing open the doors and busting down the barriers to success. The results and solutions shared are as appropriate in big corporate as they are in small business because success is all about relationships. It doesnt matter what topic you choose Leadership Idea Sessions Change Management Executive Coaching Team Building Strategic Sense will build the plan of action to get you there, help you measure your progress and follow-up to give you support. Specialties Idea Sessions - Getting you unstuck with passion and enthusiasm Change Management - we help you build a plan for change and follow-through with you to make sure you have what you need to make it successful. Executive Coaching - Leading yourself first, then leading the team - everything you do makes a difference to reaching your goals and it all starts here. Team Building - expanding on the coaching to bring your team where it needs to be.

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