1 Person Associated with "gooohnc"

Tim Cox Age 52

Tucson, AZ

Also known as: goooh

GOOOH stands for 'Get Out of Our House' and is pronounced like the word 'go'. It is a NON-PARTISAN plan to evict the 435 career politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives and replace them with everyday Americans just like you.If you are tired of career politicians, GOOOH is for you. If you believe money has corrupted Washington, GOOOH is for you. If you believe politicians have too much power, GOOOH is for you. If you are weary of the death grip the two parties have on our government, and are ready to return control of our government to the people, then GOOOH is for you.GOOOH is NOT a political party. It is a system that will allow you and your neighbors to choose, among yourselves, the person who can best represent your district. Members will identify a true citizen representative, an Independent candidate, to represent their district. How we get access to the ballot will be dependent on when we reach our membership goal. It is possible we could form a party in a few states as the method for getting on the ballot, but we are not a party in the classic sense: we have no platform and are a bottom-up organization.GOOOH is an evolving system and your input is requested. The questions are changing based on the feedback of members just like you. Participate in the forums, take the survey, and send us your thoughts. This is YOUR system. We will perfect it with your input.GOOOH is a new system that will allow "we the people" to select true representatives, not choose between a Democrat and a Republican. If we continue to elect career politicians who represent their party, the special interests that fund them, and themselves, nothing will change. GOOOH is a non-partisan process that will allow us to effect the change we all know we need.GOOOH will allow you to: 1. Help select your Representative - while being considered yourself2. Hold your Representative accountable3. Replace career politicians - with true representatives 4. Take the money out of the processThe GOOOH process allows Americans of every political leaning to participate in the selection of their District's Representative while being considered themselves. Through GOOOH's Candidate Selection Sessions you and your peers will select the candidate in your district who best represents your district's views. Even if you do not wish to become your district's representative you will want to participate in the process and have a direct say in who is chosen to represent your district. GOOOH will fund a single national campaign to promote the 435 candidates (one from each district) who are selected to run against the party politicians. Because GOOOH is a process for selecting representatives (not a "party") we expect a person left of center to be selected in San Francisco and one right of center in Colorado Springs -- but it will be up to the GOOOH members in each district to decide

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