3 Matches for Tommy Pruitt from Carrollton, Virginia, USA

Tommy Pruitt Age 34

Carrollton, VA | Norfolk, VA | New York, NY

Tommy Pruitt lives in Carrollton, VA, but has also spent time in Norfolk, VA and New York, NY. He is an alumnus of the Virginia Commonwealth University and Menchville High School. Positions he has held include Actor and Owner. Sunny Days is his favorite band. Tommy loves watching Seinfeld, Six Feet Under, The Sopranos and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Dodgeball, Goodfellas, Jurassic Park, Dumb And Dumber, Napoleon Dynamite, Best In Show, La Confidential, Zoolander and Waiting Fo Guffman are some of the movies he loves.

  • #Virginia Commonwealth University

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