2 Matches for John Raskin from San Fernando, California, USA

John H. Raskin Age 67

San Fernando, CA | Forest Hills, NY | Canyon Country, CA

I am a Healthcare Executive Recruiter. I have a passion for what I do and enjoy positive interaction with healthcare professionals of all disciplines who share the goal of improving access to and the quality of patient services across the continuum of care. I believe that a high functioning, positive and motivated individual in an administrative position in a managed Health Care company can be a champion for this goal. I pride myself on personal ethics and look for that in my clients and in the potential candidates I seek for them, in all areas of healthcare operations. I have traditionally endeavored to identify clients and candiates that are on the enlightened and illuminated side of managed care, and tend to eschew those that lean toward the dark side of pushing patients through the continuum of care too rapidly as a way to control utilization costs. I prefer to work with clients that have embraced innovative clinical and administrative technologies that support and enhance the physician/patient relationship and lead to wellness and healing as a primary goal. These clients understand the value of putting their resources into involving the patient in their own well-being and understand the benefit of keeping patient's disease-states and overall physical health well managed up-front as a better and more effective way of controlling cost in the long term. Specialties Vertically, I place C, VP, Director, Manager-level and Specialists in all areas of managed healthcare operations. Horizontally, this includes Medical Management, Claims, Contracting, Revenue Cycle/Coding, Finance, IS/IT, Sales/Marketing, network/business development, and other areas. I have a strong network in the ARRA/HITECH/Meaningful Use arena nationwide. .I placed the leadership team and PMs for the nation's largest Medicaid Health Plan's HITECH REC last year.

John K. Raskin

San Mateo, CA

John Raskin lives in San Mateo, California.

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