2 Matches for Russell Horton from San Diego, California, USA

Russell Horton

San Diego, CA

Also known as: ngr_am

I'm a computational linguist at Reverb. I work on entity and concept recognition, search, retrieval and recommendation in massive corpora of natural language text. I'm both a researcher, using my academic training as a linguist to identify solutions in the literature and testing and iterating on millions of documents, and an engineer, developing Scala and MongoDB solutions that run fast at scale. I have also worked on a wide variety of digital humanities projects in academic and commercial settings. I've adapted gene sequencing techniques to detect plagiarism in th-Century encyclopedias, created digital editions of literature and reference works, built interactive language pedagogy software, applied machine learning and data analysis techniques to characterize language use in literature in dozens of languages, and written successful grants to get it all done. In my spare time I am currently enjoying building web apps with Node.js and CoffeeScript. Projects that excite me typically center around the intersection of humanistic and linguistic meaning, large corpora, functional programming and hard, open questions. My daily stack Natural language processing (NLP) Computational linguistics Named entity concept extraction and annotation Scala MongoDB Python Git GitHub git-flow JavaScript CoffeeScript Node.js Express Jade Stylus Angular.js Stylus Linked data open data Named entity and concept identification Machine Learning Topic Modeling Digital Humanities

  • #University Of Chicago
  • ...

Russell Horton

San Diego, CA

Russell Horton lives in San Diego, California.

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