3 Matches for Gail Keith from Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Gail Keith

Phoenix, AZ

Also known as: gkms

Why I am on Linked In LinkedIn is a gold mine for gaining business knowledge, insight and of course, connections. I am an open networker on Linked In and want to connect with other marketers, business coaches, web developers and of course, businesses who need practical marketing guidance to drive money to their bottom line. Why My Clients Come to Me I am a marketing expert and project manager. My clients come to me because of my ability to drill down any marketing tactic and come up with more ways to leverage it - thus, creating the proverbial "biggest bang for the buck." While my focus is marketing, clients also turn to me to operational support and consulting. I surround myself with some of the top players in business and I know exactly who to bring to the table no matter what the business needs. My Ideal Clients While I am proud to boast a very broad portfolio with all types of business, I am most known for my work with male dominated industries such as auto service, HVAC, pest control and contractors. I am also a regular speaker for the Arizona State Bar and enjoy working with attorneys as well. Specialties Marketing Strategy I believe marketing should be deliberate, practical and designed to work for each unique business. It doesn't matter if my client's budget is next to nothing or spending , per month. I know exactly how to make every dollar count and track those results.

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Gail Keith Age 53

Phoenix, AZ

Gail Keith lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Gail M. Keith Age 52

Phoenix, AZ | Scottsdale, AZ | Tempe, AZ

Gail Keith lives in Phoenix, Arizona, but has also spent time in Scottsdale, Arizona and Tempe, Arizona.

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