Kristen M. Perry Age 37

Powell, OH | Dublin, OH

Kristen Perry lives in Powell, OH. She has also lived in Dublin, OH. She has attended Columbus State Community College and Columbus College Of Art And Design. She works for United Parcel Service as an Admin Assistant. Adult Swim is one of her favorite TV shows. Kristen loves the movies Borat, Adventure Movies, Spirited Away and What Dreams May Come. Her favorite sport is Creeking.

  • #Columbus State Community College

Kristen B. Perry Age 33

Dracut, MA | Chelmsford, MA | Litchfield, NH

Kristen Perry lives in Dracut, MA. She has also lived in Chelmsford, MA and Litchfield, NH. She is an alumnus of the Campbell High School. Companies in which she has a work history include Stop And Shop and Retail. She enjoys listening to Rap and Hip-hop. Her favorite TV show is Sitcoms.

  • #Campbell High School

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