Eric Puckett

We found 123 records for Eric Puckett

Eric W. Puckett Age 55

Anchorage, AK | Ketchikan, AK | Ward Cove, AK

Eric Puckett lives in Anchorage, Alaska. Eric has also lived in Ketchikan, Alaska; Ward Cove, Alaska; Lowgap, North Carolina and Mount Airy, North Carolina. Eric went to school at the Madison High School. Eric enjoys listening to Dave Matthews Band and Jimmy Buffett. Eric's favorite TV show is Mythbusters.

  • #Madison High School

Eric D. Puckett Age 35

Eagle River, AK | Anchorage, AK

Also known as: dmav1

Eric Puckett lives in Eagle River, Alaska. He has also lived in Anchorage, Alaska. He is a 2002 graduate of Madison Central High School and 2004 graduate of University Of Southern Mississippi. He has worked for Bestbuy and Gander Mtn. Eric loves music by Blues and Jazz. Eric loves watching Futurama, House and Heroes.

  • #University Of Southern Mississippi

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