Emily Novak

We found 186 records for Emily Novak

Emily Novak Age 26

Yankton, SD

Also known as: shelovedyou

Emily Novak lives in Yankton, South Dakota.

Emily K. Novak Age 43

Brooklyn, NY | New York, NY | Ardmore, PA

Also known as: emilynovak

Emily Novak lives a blessed life; I epitomize the best of both worlds. I live a simple existence and through creativity I am able to develop modest options into substantial opportunities. I am a strong woman that was born with a mature soul, but I am needy in the fact that I rely heavily on those closest to me as a source of love and inspiration. I have a selective style that is both a reflection of my witty, independent nature and reckless mind. I find beauty in life?s simple treasures like moonlit cobblestone streets and the sensational smell of a book, yet find no harm in stepping out of the ordinary and performing what is contrary to popular action. It?s no surprise to find me dressed up to go to the grocery store or wandering wistfully observing among a sea of strangers.

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