Brett Nance

We found 42 records for Brett Nance

Brett Nance

Lawndale, CA | Torrance, CA

Also known as: bcnance37

Brett Nance lives in Lawndale, California. He has also lived in Torrance, California. He loves listening to Brian Setzer, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Glenn Miller, Jonny Lang and Blues Traveler. Brett loves watching Heroes, Boy Meets World, The Muppet Show and Sheldon Cooper. Some of the movies he loves are Gandalf, Iron Man, The Sandlot, The Cooler, The Iron Giant, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas and The Lord Of The Rings. Brett loves watching Baseball and Minnesota Twins play. His favorite sport is Hockey.

Brett Nance

Weatherford, TX

Brett Nance lives in Weatherford, Texas.

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