Angie Griffin

We found 316 records for Angie Griffin

Angie Griffin

Madison, WI

Also known as: angelagrif

Angie Griffin lives in Madison, Wisconsin.

Angie Griffin Age 37

Jefferson, GA | Flowery Branch, GA | Oakwood, GA

Also known as: ablema15

Angie Griffin lives in Jefferson, Georgia. Other places in which she has lived are Flowery Branch, Georgia; Oakwood, Georgia and Gainesville, Georgia. She is an alumnus of the Lanier Technical College, West Hall High School and Hall Countygainesville Evening High School. She is employed by Inventory Auditor. She enjoys listening to Sublime, Slipknot, Deftones, Chevelle, Papa Roach, 30 Seconds To Mars and Bullet For My Valentine. Pineapple Express and Pulp Fiction are some of the films she loves. Jamie L Griffin and James Griffin are some of Angie relatives.

  • #Lanier Technical College

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