Angela Vigil

Belen, NM

Also known as: advigil96

Angela Vigil lives in Belen, NM.

Angela Vigil Age 43

Denver, CO | Brighton, CO

Also known as: grngirl333

Angela Vigil lives in Denver, CO. She has also lived in Brighton, CO. She works for Me. Her favorite bands are Misfits, Janis Joplin, Acid Bath, Cephalic Carnage, Dayglo Abortions, Misery Index, Bob Marley and Dean Martin. Good Conversation is her favorite film. Angela is an avid customer of Red Wine. Angela is related to Albert Nmi Vigil, Ernest Jose Vigil, Valarie D Trujillo, Herbert Joseph Vigil, Anglea M Vigil and Raymond J Vigil.

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