
We found 88 records for Ruhstorfer

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Stephanie Ruhstorfer Age 29

Mayville, MI

Also known as: stephernini20

Stephanie Ruhstorfer lives in Mayville, Michigan. She went to school at the Mayville Community High School and North Branch High School. Stephanie enjoys listening to Nofx, Basshunter, Senses Fail, Lily Allen, The Used, Billy Talent, The Vandals, No Use For A Name and Lady Gaga. Gilmore Girls, Sean Kingston and The 10th Kingdom are her favorite TV shows. Her favorite films are Flatliners, Donnie Darko, Robot Chicken, The Labyrinth, Lara Croft and Iron Man. Stephanie likes Chowder a lot.

  • #Mayville Community High School

Bob Ruhstorfer Age 34

Glen Ellyn, IL

Also known as: boblt1

Bob Ruhstorfer lives in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. He works for Full Time Student. Godsmack, Metallica and Johnny Cash are among his favorite bands. Bob loves Jericho, Csi: Miami, Prison Break, Sports Center, According To Jim and Pardon The Interruption. Among his favorite films are The Godfather, Smokey And The Bandit and Back To The Future Movies.

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