62 Actors in Zurich, Switzerland

Marie Smith Age 40

Midland, TX | Zurich, Zurich

Also known as: krusenstern

You are free to share and to remix my work under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it under this or a similar CC-BY-SA license. www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/ www.juergvollmer.ch www.krusenstern.ch www.facebook.com/JuergVollmer.Journalist Für die kommerzielle Verwendung kontaktieren Sie bitte [email protected]

Dave Weingart Age 57

Levittown, NY | Zurich, Zurich

Also known as: filkerdave

Dave Weingart lives in Levittown, New York, but has also spent time in Zurich, Zurich. He works in the capacity of Sr. Technical Analyst. His favorite band is Filk. Dave loves watching Torchwood, Dr. Who and Bend It Like Beckham. Science Fiction, The Princess Bride, Spirited Away, Run Lola Run and Bride And Prejudice are his favorite films.

  • #New York Institute Of Technology-old Westbury

Chris Peterson Age 29

Lewistown, MT | Zurich, Zurich

Also known as: chris_51

Chris Peterson lives in Lewistown, Montana, but has also spent time in Zurich, Zurich. He is a 2009 graduate of Fergus High School.

  • #Fergus High School

Courtney Layton Age 111

Ocean Springs, MS | Zurich, Zurich

Also known as: imakeoutinhollister

Courtney Layton lives in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, but has also spent time in Zurich, Zurich.
