37 Matches for Shelley Stauffer

Shelley Stauffer

Las Vegas, NV

Also known as: DesertXplorer

Shelley Stauffer lives in Las Vegas, NV.

Shelley R. Stauffer Age 39

Dublin, OH | Groveport, OH

Also known as: shellbell1979

Shelley Stauffer lives in Dublin, OH. She has also lived in Groveport, OH.

Shelley Stauffer Age 34

Rockford, IL

Also known as: ohbilly20

Shelley Stauffer lives in Rockford, Illinois.

Shelley Stauffer

Sultan, WA

Also known as: ShelleyStauffer

Have an awesome guy - a job I love and people I'm happy to spend the day with. 6 years away from hubbies retirement - Life is AWESOME

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