Nicole Harris

We found 3,814 records for Nicole Harris

Nicole G. Harris Age 31

Brooklyn, NY | Long Beach, NY

Also known as: nicolesharris

Nicole Harris lives in Brooklyn, New York, but has also spent time in Long Beach, New York. Companies in which she has a work history include Bakery Clerk and In Search. Some of her favorite music is by Incubus, Sublime, Meditation, Usher, Reggae, Nirvana, Lil Wayne, Slightly Stoopid, Jon B., J. Holiday and Bob Marley. Life Of Pi is among her all-time favorite films. Nicole is an avid customer of Chocolate. Her favorite sports are Gymnastics, Kickboxing and Endurance.

Nicole A. Harris Age 32

Queensbury, NY | Porter Corners, NY

Also known as: nicolehh

Nicole Harris lives in Queensbury, New York, but has also spent time in Porter Corners, New York. Her favorite movies are White Chicks, Ladder 49 and Starsky & Hutch.

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