Michelle Turner

We found 3,042 records for Michelle Turner

Michelle Turner Age 36

New York, NY | Clifton, NJ

Also known as: shelly-28

Michelle Turner lives in New York, NY, but has also spent time in Clifton, NJ. Companies in which she has a work history include Gamestop, Target, Petco, Kb Toys, Mother and Rainbow Inc.. Among her favorite bands are Prince, Incubus, Eminem, Jay-z, Jodeci, Sisqo, Dru Hill, 50 Cent, Danity Kane, Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson, Lil Wayne, Maroon 5, Aretha Franklin, Mary J. Blige, Al Green, Stevie Wonder, Boyz Ii Men, Busta Rhymes, Tina Turner, Yung Joc, Gorilla Zoe, Linkin Park, Nicki Minaj, Redman and Missy Elliot. She loves the movie Disney.

Michelle Turner

New York, NY

Also known as: MichelleTurn12

Michelle Turner lives in New York, NY.

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