Lisa K. Kirk

Female, 54 years old

Woohoo. I'm living the good life. Love where I live. Spend loads o time with my family. Have the BEST friends in all the world (see Tulip and Joan). Life in my world is quiet, rural, grounding. When I need a dose of alternative city living to mix thangs up a bit, I zip on down to SF to visit my sister Tulip, and her posse at the Phone Booth. And there I get to live via my alter ego and kiss lots of strangers in bars and at parties. My current life projects include waiting to see if I'll be accepted in to an MPH program. In addition, I am part of a summer long sorority - I Phelta Thi. My sorority is all for promoting peace in the Middle East by mailing beach/fluff novels for reading. Books Not Bombs. Generating Peace, One Soldier at a time. I believe that there is more good than there is bad in the world. My secret X-Men power is that I am able to see the beauty in every person I meet. And in the words of the someday-to-be-famous Alia: "Sometimes I have crushes that don't work out and clothes that don't fit". read more ...
  • alaska
  • dating
  • gardening
  • activity partners
  • almost famous
  • david bowie
  • elvis costello
  • Rn-not-an-rn

Public Records

Arrest Records
