john lally

John Lally


I finally made my way around to starting a blog, been thinking about doing it for a little over a year. Lets see how long I can stay doing the blog. Most of my blog is going to be about sports, or if something random pops into my head and I feel I need to write about the subject. I plan on entering the field of journalism, mainly sports talk radio. I am from Chicago and am Chicago sports fan so most of the things I write will be about Chicago sports. However, I feel that I am a fan of sports, not just a fan of my teams. What I mean by that is I can see past the teams I like and look at the sport as a whole, a realist fan. The teams that I root for are the Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls and White Sox. The ideas that are written about are just that, they are my ideas. Take what you want from them, debate them with me if you would like, but remember its not a personal attack at you or your team. I would like to have fun with this, so please take the time to read what I have written for your consumption. read more ...
  • sports

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