jamie nicholes

Jamie Nicholes

Male, 40 years old

ya know, i can't even fathom how to "describe myself". i graduated UCLA a year ago, and i'm' in that weird place where everything you'd spent the last 20 something years deconstructed itself when i took that diploma in my hand and cut up my dad's credit card, and i'm just trying to figure out what this question is asking. if i had to pick a word to describe my personality, i think it'd be artist. not because i see art in everything, make sculptures with my food or create masterpeices without even trying, but because i have a constant need to express myself. i spent so many years holding myself back because of my then rampant stutter, my lack of confidence and generally being unaware but constantly afraid of who i was, that now that i'm passed a lot of that i feel like i don't ever want to hold anything back ever again. i want to be a part of everything that catches my attention and i don't care what's in my way cuz i know i can just move it, ya know? and recently, just within the last few weeks, certain interractions i've had with a few people have made me entirely rethink my approach to life. i'm not gonna go into all of it, but essentially i've given myself permission to act my own age, to want to play, to want to have fun, and to not have it all figured out nor have a rigid trajectory in front of me. i spent so long being so hard on myself for always being, what i considered, behind. and i'm only now realising that that was a huge, stinky wad of horse shit and that where i am right now is totally OK, that every moment is valid in itself and isn't just another moment that i haven't gotten to where i think i need to be instead. so yeah, i dunno if any of that made sense, but it shouldn't, cuz if i could actually answer that question clearly and completely, i'd be a pretty boring person. read more ...
  • family
  • dating
  • relationships
  • transformers
  • lilies
  • bjork
  • madonna
  • liquor
  • roseanne
  • University Of California-los Angeles
  • Writer
  • Artist
  • Designer
  • Internet Designer
  • Music Obsessive

Public Records

Arrest Records

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