Irene Smith

We found 1,333 records for Irene Smith

Irene Smith Age 59

Chester, NY

Also known as: craftwiz30

Irene Smith lives in Chester, NY.

Irene Smith Age 59

Middletown, NY | Port Jervis, NY

Also known as: irene_smith

Irene Smith lives in Middletown, New York. She has also lived in Port Jervis, New York. She went to school at the Orange County Community College. She has worked for Microsoft, Crs and Medidata Solutions. Her work experience includes positions as Writer, Web Designer, Editor and Technical Writer. She loves listening to Ella Fitzgerald. Irene a big fan of Gilmore Girls and The 10th Kingdom. Among her favorite movies are Alice In Wonderland and While You Were Sleeping.

  • #Orange County Community College

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