gretchen hamm

Gretchen Hamm


It took me years of playing golf before I called myself a golfer. Let's be honest, golf is intimidating, expensive, time consuming and hard I was first drawn to golf, not for the game, but for the values inherent in the game and joined The First Tee of Washington, D.C. At the time, a small, grass-roots non-profit serving several hundred inner city young people through Langston and East Potomac Golf Courses. Over six years, I grew the program to serve over , young people, create thousands of golfers, develop to a full time staff of four and become a preeminent Chapter in the national network. I saw firsthand, over and over again, the power of golf for these young people. Furthermore, I saw the power of golf in fundraising, networking and leveraging golf to help The First Tee. Let's just say, I was hooked I have been living and working in sports most of my life, first as a competitive soccer player who went on to a Division I college as a scholarship player and then turning that passion for sports into a career taking non-profit organizations, companies and campaigns to the next level. My experience ranges from several start-ups to publicly traded, multi-million dollar companies to campaigns. The common thread between all of these has been growth, creativity and ability to put my personal stamp on the marketing, development and strategy of each of them. Opportunity has a way of presenting itself and I was able to launch my own firm Gretchen Hamm, LLC, and turn my passion into my own business that allows me to focus on my strengths and leverage my network for my clients and partners. My skills come together in a blend of marketing, business development, organizational refocus and defining next steps. I am committed to growing the game of golf and working with individuals, companies and organizations that want to LEVERAGE THEIR GAME with golf. read more ...
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