Dick B. Cheney

Male, 78 years old

Dick Bruce Cheney, 78 years old, lives in Washington, District Of Columbia, but has also spent time in Lincoln, Nebraska. He has worked for Frontline, Late Show With David Letterman, Us Senate, Now, Superpower, Gasland, This Week, Fair Game, Dateline Nbc, Larry King Live, Meet The Press, The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, Being W, The Colbert Report, Live From Baghdad, When The Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts, Gonzo: The Life And Work Of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Terrorstorm: A History Of Government-sponsored Terrorism, Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement, Face The Nation, Under Siege, Independent Lens, Who Killed The Electric Car, The Panama Deception, Bowling For Columbine, This Revolution, National Geographic Explorer, Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room, Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden, Unconstitutional, Fahrenheit 911, Martial Law 911: Rise Of The Police State, Blood And Oil, Al Franken: God Spoke, Ghosts Of Abu Ghraib, Shut Up & Sing, Leading To War, Celsius 41.11: The Temperature At Which The Brain. Begins To Die, Piers Morgan Tonight, Loose Change 911: An American Coup, Why We Fight, The American Future: A History, Paula Zahn Now, Hardball With Chris Matthews, Hannity, Iran And The West, .so Goes The Nation, Manufacturing Dissent: Uncovering Michael Moore, Countdown W Keith Olbermann, Inside The U.s. Secret Service, The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear, Kudlow & Company, Fear Of A Black Republican, Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers, The Speeches Of Nelson Mandela, The Green Bus V. The White House, Bigger Stronger Faster, War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death, Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, The World According To Bush, Journeys With George, The Gulf War, Desert Storm: The War Begins, Wmd: Weapons Of Mass Deception, Rush To War, Election 2000, Larry Flynt: The Right To Be Left Alone, National Geographic: Inside 911, Special Report With Bret Baier, History Of The National Security State and Taking Liberties. Positions he has held include Vice President. read more ...
  • Frontline
  • Late Show With David Letterman
  • Vice President
  • Us Senate
  • Now
  • Superpower

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