david diotalevi

David Diotalevi

Female, 115 years old

How far would you go to create a miracleTwo near-death encounters have left Myx Amens with an exteme case of synesthesia and a chronic bout of absolute sleeplessness. He fills his endless hours by uncovering the intimate secrets of all those who interest him--or those who dare to use him.A -year-old puzzle box holds the secret of Miracle, Massachusetts' shocking origin--and the motive for a recent series of grisly murders. Follow Myx for an unblinking forty-two hours as he pits his synesthetic brain against a past genius, his final follower, and a killer who rips tattoos from victims after neatly shooting them. Myx bets the last of his innocence against betrayal, seduction, and his third (and probably final) death. read more ...
  • synesthesia
  • Writer
  • Publishing

Public Records

Arrest Records

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