Dan R. Havey

Male, 55 years old

I've spent the last 20 years in the trenches of the Real Estate and Mortgage industry, until August of 2007, when it all came to a screeching halt.  As I tell the story "I spent 3 days curled up in the fetal position under my bed, and then finally decided to crawl out and get back to work." Why all the angst?  I had just spent the last 6 months putting together a Reg D, Private Placement in order to start my own bank to do hard money loans to bail people out of bankruptcy and foreclosure.  And then Bear Stearns announced the failure of 2 of its hedge funds and I saw the writing on the wall; the end was near. I had started in the Real Estate business in the late 80's, working with my brother to sell REO's for Fannie Mae, Countrywide and the RTC, which was in charge of disposing of the assets for the over 1,800 Savings & Loans that had failed. By the mid-90's I moved into the Mortgage Industry where I immediately started working with Bankruptcy Attorneys to help bail their clients out of bankruptcy and foreclosure. A lot of people will tell you that sub-prime and hard money loans are bad, but when I could help save a homeowner who was about to lose their home because their bankruptcy was failing, and lower their monthly outlay by a $1,000 a month, I think that's a pretty good.  That's why I was starting the bank, to bring in more money to help out more homeowners. But then the end came and I had to figure out another way to help homeowners.  I could help first-time homeowners, but there were plenty of guys left in the business to help them, so I began to look at what the marketplace needed and mostly how I could use my years of working with attorneys to help people save their homes. So naturally I went into Loan Modifications – Whoa Nelly!!! – That didn’t last long!  Once we saw how messed up that business was and how most home owners were getting ripped off, I made a very quick exit, and fortunately I can say that I did not take a single dime from any homeowner. About this time I had a friend hand me a book that claimed that it could mathematically predict the top and bottom of all real estate cycles.  Having an extensive background in math (I started in college with a dual major of mathematics and computer science) I read the book and found his theory to be sound, but his practices highly flawed.  So I created my own model, and was happily surprised that it worked.  It predicted the top of the market 3 to 6 months in advance.  Not bad, huh?  The problem is, with all of the government intervention in the market today, the model no longer works!  Oh well, maybe some day. During this time I started to dabble in internet marketing.  Why not take my years or experience and all of my training from Dan Kennedy in Direct Marketing and use that to sell my real estate products and videos online.  Then Blogs arrived on the scene, as well as Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and all of the rest of the Web 2.0 Social Media properties.  Finally I was able to marry my 2 true loves, computers and real estate with my life long passion for teaching.  I came up with Real Estate Marketing This Week, which has the best of both worlds.  Not only is it a blogging platform, but it is also an ongoing classroom and living, breathing laboratory for new cutting-edge ideas in online marketing for the real estate and mortgage industries. If you’ve ever thought that you should start your own blog, but didn’t have a clue where to start, don’t worry, we hand you a blog and teach you everything you need to know to run it properly.  Ever wanted to learn how to do video marketing, that’s another one of my passions, and there is extensive training there as well. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – we’ve got that too.  But one of the biggest benefits is that your blog will be very highly optimized for Search Engines (SEO) straight out of the box.  Social Media Optimization (SMO) and Distribution – done!  Its all part of the training. So come on in and take a look around.  I think the first thing you will be shocked by is the price!  Yes, its ‘cheap as chips’, but I wanted to keep the price low, so that as many Real  Estate Professionals as possible could take advantage of this training, and if you’re happy, I’d hope you’d tell your friends.  So get on over to http://realestatemarketingthisweek.com and take a look.,Real Estate Marketing This Week, read more ...
  • internet
  • online
  • marketing
  • secrets
  • social
  • video
  • youtube
  • U.w.-oshkosh
  • Realty Executives
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Loan Officer
  • Spectrum Financial

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