Since leaving my -year career in advertising and relocating in the Boston area, Ive been a volunteer with various nonprofit organizations that serve people in the search for meaningful work at midlife. I discovered whats next for myself in the art programs at the Newton Senior Center, where I now take classes and help out in the studio twice a week. I can still stand on a chair and reach things a shorter senior cant. I can get up and go get a glaze for someone whod otherwise have to navigate her walker around the tables. Ill sit and talk with someone who hasnt been out of the house all week. I stay late to clean up. I take photographs of the wonderful art being created by my classmates and post them on our Facebook page. The world should see this stuff Im committed to growing these NSC programs, so important to vibrant aging. read more ...
  • boston
  • cooking
  • ceramics
  • spirituality
  • metaphysics
  • investing
  • coaching
  • genealogy
  • Wellesley College
  • A Href Eduwellesley-college-19934 Wellesley Collegea
  • Art Director
  • Vp
  • Transition Navigator
  • Cone & Belding
  • Copywriter At Foote

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