christian bullock

Christian Bullock

Male, 33 years old

I've been working in the search marketing industry since 2006. I work for a small company so I tend to wear hats of all shapes and sizes; I am actively involved in creating search engine optimization (SEO) recommendations, managing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and even doing some social media marketing and Google Analytics reporting work. I'm a big fan of WordPress and often set-up websites so I can tinker around with new themes and plugins. I understand and can configure PHP enough to make me dangerous. I also have been known to set-up websites and do some SEO experimentation to see how high I can rank for given search terms. I've been successful with getting high rankings for a strong local brand name, a software title and a speech language pathology website. I am a huge fan of Google AdWords' Retargeting platform and have ran successful campaigns using it. You can be really creative with this platform and I've found that being creative gets results. I crave information about our industry and like to digest as much as possible to help refine my techniques. Search engine marketing is a fast-moving industry and it's important to keep on top of everything. I'll often spend early mornings or late evenings diving deep into my RSS feed reader and looking at recent articles and studies. Specialties Google Qualified Individual, former Microsoft adExcellence Member, former Yahoo! Search Marketing Ambassador read more ...
  • internet
  • social media
  • google adwords qualified individuals
  • Washington State University
  • Eastern Washington University
  • Marketing And Advertising
  • Amplify Interactive

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