355 Matches for Carla Ortiz

Carla Y. Ortiz Age 46

Hawthorne, CA | Kissimmee, FL | Brooklyn, NY

Also known as: carlita73

Carla Ortiz lives in Hawthorne, California, but has also spent time in Kissimmee, Florida and Brooklyn, New York. Cop Shows, A Haunting and The First 48 are her favorite TV shows. Alfonso A Ortiz, Ricardo A Ortiz, Ileana C Ortiz, Alfonso A Ortiz, Chastity C Ortiz, Magdalena T Ortiz, Magdalene Ortiz, Zaida I Delacruz, Vicky J Ortiz, Asuncion Ortiz, Nancy Segarra, Angela L Ortiz and Ricardo A Ortiz are in Carla family.

Carla A. Ortiz Age 35

Bronx, NY

Carla Ortiz lives in Bronx, NY.

Carla Ortiz

Bronx, NY

Also known as: CarlaEmmy

seeking for good things, passion about the people that really matters

Carla H. Ortiz Age 27

Orlando, FL

Also known as: sxy_mami_103

Carla Ortiz lives in Orlando, Florida.

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