Well hello there, I'm Brian, nice to meet you.I'm the online editor at the Napa Valley Register. I cultivate a fiery, engaged online community with more than 10,000 registered users and nearly 5,000 fans on Facebook. I chisel web pages out of stone and shoot a video every once in a while.Some of the projects I've created include:DUI databaseProperty crimes mapNeighborhood WatchdogSome of the videos I've shot and edited:.08, what does it take?Napans march against Prop 8Big Game XXXVIII HighlightsBig Game XXXIX HighlightsBy the way, I'm left handed, have green eyes, and 95% of the liquid I drink is tap water. read more ...
  • Chico State University
  • Armijo High School
  • Online Editor
  • Napa Valley Registeronline Editor

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