Ashley Casey

48 years old

ashley casey
Twelve years ago, after graduating from Columbia University in New York and working in Congress, I came to Baton Rouge to work as Gov. Buddy Roemer's Press Secretary. I met my husband and we chose to make Baton Rouge our home and raise our children here. Now, I would be honored to serve the community that I am proud to call home in as your Representative in Congress.I am running for Congress as an Independent because my only agenda is your agenda. The people, not the parties, are my boss. I am the only candidate in this race who took the Change Congress pledge: -Not to take PAC money or money from federal lobbyists -To abolish the current system of Congressional Earmarks -To have transparency in Congress I have taken the Americans for Tax Reform pledge not to raise income taxes. I am the only candidate in this race who has pledged not to become a lobbyist when I leave Congress.I will not participate in the Congressional Health Insurance Plan until every American can purchase the health care plan of their choice and deduct its full cost on their income taxes. Vote Independent on May 3 and send a message to the parties that the system is broken. Together, we will restore the government by the people, for the people and of the people. read more ...
  • football
  • photography
  • reading
  • swimming
  • sewing
  • exercise
  • cooking
  • Mercyhurst College
  • Savannah College Of Art And Design
  • Graphic Design Specialist At Cleveland Clinic

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