1 Person Associated with "stephankarian"

Stephan D. Karian Age 50

Destin, FL

Also known as: StephanKarian

Stephan Karian lives. Armed with the most up-to-date science as a beacon and an unwavering commitment to excellence, he has produced some of the most effective nutritional supplements available today. Stephan Karian is a shining example of the health and fitness strategies he so actively preaches, and he shares his passion for a healthy lifestyle through his nutrition company, books, articles, newsletters and the hundreds of radio and television show son which he has appeared over the years.Stephan Karian has been a passionate health advocate since he was just 15 years of age. When a mysterious health condition afflicted his mother and her health unraveled, only homeopathy and good nutritional supplementation were her guiding light back to health. Natural health improvement became Stephan’s torch to carry.From his mother’s harrowing experience, Stephan became a true believer in natural alternatives to promote peak health, and was driven to share his passion. Working tirelessly night and day, Stephan Karian launched Great American Products. With no money and only credit cards for survival, Stephan appeared on radio talk shows as a guest throughout the country - educating people on the benefits of good health and proper nutrition.Ever since his modest beginnings, Stephan Karian has held true to his mission: dramatically improving the quality of people’s lives. Still dedicated to sharing the gift of health, Stephan Karian wrote Anti-Aging and You, an incredible book for anyone who wants to experience unenergetic lifestyle. Download your free copy of his remarkable book at www.GreatAmericanProducts.com/book.Through the success of Great American Products, Stephan Karian honors his commitment to improve the quality of life for millions. Going above and beyond this, his company also gives back to the world community by supporting a number of worthy causes. They have donated clothes, food, toys, and school supplies to children in Costa Rica. They have also donated money for children in need; specifically for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Florida, Children in Crisis, Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation, and the Lighthouse Family Retreat (an organization where kids with terminal illnesses can experience a magical vacation with their family). Read more about Giving Back.

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