1 Person Associated with "rexsikes"

Rex S. Sikes

Milwaukee, WI | Los Angeles, CA

Also known as: rexsikes

Rex Sikes is an actor (SAG/AFTRA). He has been active in film and television since a teenager in Los Angeles. He has worked with big names and small. Many people remember Rex from the cult classic "Massacre At Central High". Recently, "Horrid", a horror feature Sikes co-stars in, was released to DVD.Rex is a producer (EP, creative & line), UPM a director, 1st AD, a seminar leader, keynote presenter and a professional coach for speakers & actors. He looks to add value & contribute to productions in front of & behind camera. Contact Rex to discuss how he can help you. He speaks to the film community on producing, directing & acting. His topics included what to do and what not to do to get your film, TV or web project made on time and under budget. He addresses how producers, directors, cast & crew need to work and interact in order to have the smoothest shoot possible. Rex Sikes' Movie Beat "Conversations with Filmmakers" is a master class in filmmaking! Listen as Rex talks with celebrities, professional filmmakers and friends on how to make movies and TV. Rex's guests share their goals, challenges, surprises, advice, tips and secrets to help filmmakers get their projects made faster, more easily, less expensively and to advance their own careers. The official website is rexsikes.com - listen in to these fabulous interviews today.Visit Rex Sikes' MOVIE BEAT "conversations with filmmakers" and tune into live and archived interviews, movie news and blogs. All interviews record live and then are archived at rexsikes.com at the INTERVIEWS blog which stores guest biographies you can read and the links you use to listen to live or archived showsAll Rex Sikes' Movie Beat shows are also available as podcasts from Itunes. Be sure to listen today.Video interviews Rex conducts are available here and at his website or facebook profile.

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