1 Person Associated with "lolagoetz"

Becky Scott Age 40

San Diego, CA

Also known as: lolagoetz

Becky Scott lives and breathes social media and community. In reality shes quite passionate about bringing brands and their customers togetherwhether its on sites like Facebook and Twitter or company-owned properties like blogs or forums. Becky has a varied background that includes technical project management, marketing, editing, and writing. She also fancies herself a photographer at times, busily filling her hard drive with photos. She doesnt really like pia coladas or getting caught in the rain, but does sing a mean karaoke song. Becky has managed online communities for years and social properties since Live Journal was a thing and Facebook required university emails. She honed her writing and editing skills on sites like AOLs Aisle Dash, Ask Patty, Tree.com, and ucsd.edu. Two of her previous brand communities have won awards from Forrester, ComBlu, and Lithium Technologies. Here's the stuffy version Social media and community management professional adept at integrating traditional and social media programs to achieve business goals. Able to work cross-functionally in fast-paced, high-profile environment to accomplish project objectives. Cultivates deeply integrated presence in social media platforms and is an early adopter. Experience in implementing annual marketing plans, strategies, tactics and resources as necessary to achieve brand goals. Excellent team and collaboration skills. Specialties social knowledge management, KM, social media strategy, digital marketing, metrics and analytics, project management, social media monitoring, online community management, social platforms, content management, software content creation, business systems analysis, testing and implementation, usability, troubleshooting, technical liaison, new technology adoption, quality assurance, community management, technical documentation, CMS, SEO, PLM

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