2 People Associated with "lindastacy"

Linda Stacy

Boston, MA

Also known as: lindastacy

I've been hanging out on the Internet in one way or another since 1998, and started my own business in 2002. As they say, “I've come a long way baby!” Through trial and error, and with a good deal of help from smart friends and mentors, I've learned a lot. Now I'm happy to pay it forward and help you get started. I offer tips, tools and resources on how to start a blog and on using PLR articles to make content creation easier.I also continue to offer services for direct sales consultants to build their teams online. The work at home mom community is where I started out, and even though my son is grown, I still feel that kinship. I pride myself on delivering value and great customer service and I very carefully select the products and services that I recommend. I live in Massachusetts with my husband, college-aged son, and elderly lab mix. I grew up primarily in Pennsylvania, and lived in Michigan for a short time before settling “back east.” When I'm not online.... well honestly, when I'm not here it's because I'm cooking, eating or sleeping. :) But I also enjoy watching movies with my family, too much TV, hanging out with my dog, and candlepin bowling. And a new interest in yoga is developing. I look forward to hearing from you and getting to know more about you.

Linda Stacy

Odenville, AL

Also known as: lindastacy

Linda Stacy lives in Odenville, AL.

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