1 Person Associated with "larahouston"

Lara Houston

Phoenix, AZ | New York, NY

Also known as: larahouston

'Intensity' is the one word that can truly describe me. I am an actress, singer, and model. I am extremely versatile and open-minded, and full of more energy than most can handle. I am a natural performer and feed off of being in front of an audience and putting on a show. I am a great team player and am very easy to work with. I will bring a winning attitude and high positive energy to any team. I am able to inspire others to accomplish shared goals naturally, willingly, and enthusiastically. I have been trained in private voice lessons, have a great deal of professional acting and modeling training through an agency as well as various private institutions and instructors, and to top it all off, I also have a photographic memory and quick-witted tongue. Aside from my ambitions in the entertainment industry, I have previously been an electrical contractor and am pursuing a PhD in physics. The electrical contracting career has dissipated due to my rapid success in the entertainment industry, and my PhD is a lifetime ambition. I have a bachelor's in engineering - construction management (graduated #2 in my class), worked for an electrical contractor (6th largest in the nation), and when I was laid off last year, I decided to start my own company. I was the youngest and first female in the state of Arizona to earn my electrical contracting license. Unfortunately my heart and soul are not in construction, and I took the opportunity to finally pursue my dreams of being an actress and singer full time. I have danced for over 20 years (since I was 2 1/2) and have played every sport under the sun (and been VERY good at all of them I might add). I was always the smartest and most athletic kid in my class growing up, because I just won't accept being anything less than the best. I am extremely ambitious and motivated, and will make the necessary sacrifices to get to where I want to go. I also enjoy water skiing, snow skiing, dancing, working out, cooking, fast cars, hiking, camping, hunting, biking, roller blading, gymnastics, volleyball, swimming, football, basketball, karaoke, bull-riding (mechanical of course), and eating out (hence why I need a job)! You are probably starting to see the versatility, however, neither words nor my resume do not do an adequate job of describing my great personal drive, intensity of motivation, and determination to persevere and prevail. In other words, I am far more fun and good looking in person! So why not take a chance and stick your neck out a bit? I promise I am worth it!

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