2 People Associated with "jordanjunction"

Teresa Jordan

Onalaska, WI

Also known as: jordanjunction

Mother Wife Daughter Granddaughter Photographer Webmaster Genealogist Mother Together with my husband, Joey, we are raising wonderful kids. Every time I turn around, there is a new and exciting mile-stone they leap over gusto Wife With the luck of the Irish, my husband and I married on St. Patty's Day . I feel so lucky and blessed to have found someone I can truly say....I fall in love with the same wonderful man everyday Daughter As a Daughter-Mother team with my mom, we create and co-edit the by-monthly newsletter for the Lewis County Genealogy Society and I am the webmaster of the website. Granddaughter In the past couple years, my grandma Marie turned over her driving keys to me. She never really liked to drive alone anyway - so I am her officialchauffeur, and I have to admit I do enjoy the stories from her past - I soak them up in a Genealogy fashion to get them written down Photographer Passionate about Photography Outdoors is where you will find me with a camera in hand. I love post-editing photos in Photoshop and creatingthem into works of art - just as much as finding the right angle to take the photo Webmaster Sitting down at my desk you will find me fast at work on one of my many websites. Everything from volunteer work to paid - my current job is at a campgrounds and I take pleasure in their website being updated with fresh content. Genealogist Currently I am tracing my husband's side of the family, with the surnames of JORDAN GALVIN GREEN KILDOW WILDER

Teresa M. Jordan Age 48

Onalaska, WA

Also known as: jordanjunction

Teresa Jordan lives in Onalaska, Washington. Teresa likes Pepsi a lot.

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