1 Person Associated with "genstarchild"

Genevieve Mccaw

Los Angeles, CA

Also known as: genstarchild

Genevieve Mccaw lives. I'm coming to terms that I'm the perfect audience. In between those short periods of life sucking misery witnessing, I'm pretty much surrounded by uber awesome love freaks for friends. We love to kiss and hold hands. We love to cook for eachother and sing together and dance together. Sometimes we just like to sit with eachother and not do very much of anything. Mikey will show us the art of adding logs to the fire pit. Outlaw will whip up the perfect chicken marinade. Sunny will to find love. Shelly will find peace. Jessica will be more perfect than I already think she is. Q will finally realize it does not get better than me. Juliette will teach me how to be the super awesome hot chick. Other days we listen to Kyle play music from his Satellite Radio or Micah practice DJing. Then there's Charlie. Since I moved from LA, he's pretty much all I have here other than work. Living in sin is still new, so it's ok. Some days we find it hard to get out of bed. All days we fid it hard to get out of bed. I'm in love with Charlie. I think he's in love with me too. If he knew what was good for him he would be. We like to ride our bikes. We like to sing karaoke. We like to find new projects for the house. I like to watch him play soccer I like to watch him eat food I cook for him. Sometimes it can be hard to be around us, but I think the general consensus is that we are a pleasure to be around. If I do say so myself. Not every minute of everyday is perfect. But nothing is. And I love every inperfection we have. We love to photograph and document these times so we can remember what life is really about. Love, Gen The Meat Curtains Team Toland Hudson Family Forever and Ever. Amen

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