1 Person Associated with "cbanksindy"

Chris Banks Age 36

Indianapolis, IN

Also known as: CBanksIndy

Father... Husband... Straight Edge... Simple...My Straight EdgeLet me start off by letting everyone who reads this understand, this is my personal view of Straight Edge. It has become tiresome hearing about peoples and society's contorted views of Straight Edge. So hopefully this will clear-up a few misconceptions. I'd first like to thank those of you who have Straight Edge ass-backwards and do such a terrible job representing what Straight Edge is. I'd also like to thank those of you that have become quick to judge Straight Edge without any real knowledge or research. Those of you who have "resourced" the media and have heard friends of friends of friend's stories, and have passed judgment on Straight Edge, thank you. Thanks to those of you that have refused to try and understand Straight Edge, yet in the same breath make an opinion on Straight Edge. Thanks to those of you who have disrespected or mocked Straight Edge. Thanks for putting Straight Edge down and trying to "witch hunt" Straight Edge so to speak. You have all made my Straight Edge stronger with every passing day. I will begin speaking about Straight Edge, because I am so passionate about Straight Edge, and so given in to Straight Edge that I must be at least bound for the heart of Straight Edge, if not already there.....Straight Edge isn't about a specific age, race, religion, gender, location, diet, scene, haircut, style of music, or style of dress. Straight Edge is not about a label or "gang". Contrary to popular ignorance, it has no race or ethnocentric requirements, and while there are many unfair elitist connotations abounding, I believe that Straight Edge is an individual choice with individual, (for the most part, save for the very basic essentials), circumstances. Straight Edge is so much more than not drinking, not doing drugs, and not having promiscuous sex. Straight Edge is not violent, yet like a mother fending her children, Straight Edge is proud and strong, and will fight for what is right. Straight Edge is finding out who you really are, and living a positive, non-judgmental lifestyle. Straight Edge is about taking the entire negative in one's life and the world, and somehow "making good" of it. Straight Edge is about personal empowerment and purification. Straight Edge is about walking uncharted territory, spilling and screaming what is inside your heart and moral code like blood, as paint is to decorate the glorious warhorse that your life becomes when accepting Straight Edge. Straight Edge is not innately about rebellion, while in the same breath; Straight Edge surely is not about belonging to any temporary and superficial group or circle of friends. Straight Edge is a lasting and ever-growing wind of change bursting forth, breathing from your lungs, a weapon working in tandem and in symbiosis with your heart and mind and soul. Straight Edge is spiritual. Straight Edge is not just about the music or the concerts or the friends. sXe is not about being different or being the same. Straight Edge is for you, for the better and the good of the world, for putting into perspective what is right and wrong, true and false, clean and unclean. Straight Edge is always. Straight Edge is then, now, and tomorrow. Forever.....To those that demean and attempt to personally homestead Straight Edge with elitist ideals, passing trends and bullshit notions, to those that claim Straight Edge to belong or to simply rebel against something, anything, to those that question Straight Edge and deride it, attempt to incite it or destroy it; all I can say is you have resolutions to make, issues to resolve, and thoughts to peruse. Before and after your marauding indictments, this one real truth and choice will remain. I am Straight Edge.....

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