1 Person Associated with "billfranco"

Bill Franco Age 52

Nashville, TN

Also known as: BillFranco

Guglielmo (Bill) F. Franco has been playing guitar for more than two decades in a variety of styles.Having started playing guitar at 14 years old after learning the end section of Eruption by Edward Van Halen, Bill quickly started studying everything he could get his hands on to be a well-rounded & knowledgeable musician. By the time he was 18, Bill was playing in rock bands in the St. Louis area and his incessant learning had him practicing over 10 hours a day.Bill studied harmony and first applied it to rock, and then started listening to a wide variety of music. Listening to everything from Jazz, to Funk, Fusion, Classical and Blues, Bill developed an approach to his instrument that combined technique, knowledge and passion. He shares this knowledge and passion with his many loyal students.Bill majored in music at Lindenwood College and graduated Summa cum Laude from Washington University in St. Louis. He has extensive playing experience in a variety of styles, and has played nationally in rock, blues, and jazz orchestras and combos, as well as as a guitarist-for-hire in various musical situations. He is classically trained and has performed in master classes for some of the worlds most respected classical guitarists.In 2007, Bill was hired by the prog-rock group Pavlov's Dog to play guitar on a new disk, a live performance DVD and on two European tours. After finishing his commitments with Pavlov's Dog, Bill started working on his own project while continuing his teaching in the St. Louis metro area.Through the recommendation of a friend, Bill went to see Anthony Gomes. Bill subsequently became friends with the band, and when it was time for Anthony and the New Soul Cowboys to add a second guitar, Bill was the only choice they would consider.Bill continues to tour internationally with Pavlov's Dog, including the 2009 European tour where he was filmed as part of the German-produced Pavlov's Dog documentary. He also plays regionally around the Midwest USA with respected showman and singer Charles Glenn in the Charles Glenn Band.While fulfilling his performing duties with his paying clients, Bill is also working on a solo project for release in the future.

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