1 Person Associated with "bcwlaw"

Brian C. Wilcox Age 62

Niagara Falls, ON

Also known as: bcwlaw

Brian C. Wilcox, B.A. (Hons.), L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Born and raised in Port Arthur, Ontario (Thunder Bay), Brian C. Wilcox graduated in June 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Lakehead University (Top Standing). In October 1985, he received an Honours Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Child Developmental Psychology (Top Standing). Called to the Ontario Bar in 1990 after graduating from Queen's University Law School in 1988, Brian C. Wilcox articled in St. Catharines 1987-88, started his Niagara Falls practice in 1990 and opened his office as a sole practitioner in 1991. Brian C. Wilcox was a full time volunteer at Queen's Legal Aid in Kingston, Ontario from 1985 through 1988 and was an assistant Crown Attorney 1997 through 1998 and 2002 through 2003 and 2006 to 2009. Brian C. Wilcox is a member in good standing with the Law Society of Upper Canada, a member and was a Board member of the Lincoln County Law Association, a former Chair and Editor-in-Chief of the Lincoln County Law Association newsletter, a member of the Welland County Law Association, a former Board member of the Boys and Girls Club of Niagara, a former Vice President of the local chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society, a former Vice President of the Niagara Falls Chamber of Commerce and a Board Member of the Niagara Falls Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. Brian C. Wilcox was the President of the Lincoln County Law Association for 2004 and 2005 and a member of the County and District Law President's Association (CDLPA).

  • #Lakehead University

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