1 Match for Cole Harmonson from Pflugerville, Texas, USA

Cole C. Harmonson

Pflugerville, TX | Austin, TX | Lubbock, TX

Also known as: coleharmonson

Well, I don't know. It depends who's describing me. Men would tell you it's like holding lit dynamite in your hand but completely worth it. My dad would say I'm a complete danger. My nephew would tell you there's not a greater aunt in the world. My brothers have thrown a skate or two at my head in my younger days. And my best friend Will, well, every third day or so he hopes one of my dates chops me into a million pieces cause I'm so exhausting. And, truth be told, it has been said,"Cole, you would be so easy to fall in love with."I'm a former teacher, former florist, former intern, former plus size model for a week, former many things that landed in the perfect job as an Event Director in Orange County, California. In the midst of planning parties, I get to meet people like you who have been people like me. Flawed and wonderful and normal and amazing and just wanting to figure out a couple lessons about how to get through these years with a bit of grace intact.And, if we have some fun and fall in a bit of love along the way, well, I'm terribly, terribly sorry.-Cole

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