3 Matches for Cory Roberts from Duffield, Virginia, USA

Cory M. Roberts Age 30

Duffield, VA

Also known as: coryroberts88

Cory Roberts lives in Duffield, VA. He is a 2005 graduate of Rye Cove High School. Some of his favorite music is by Evanescence, Godsmack, Nirvana, Nickelback, Chevelle, Seether, Staind, Black Sabbath and Breaking Benjamin. Among his favorite TV shows are House, Criminal Minds, Sons Of Anarchy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Pawn Stars. His favorite films are Goodfellas, Family Guy, Disturbia, Reservoir Dogs, American History X, Rescue Me, John Q, The Fog, The Messengers and Pulp Fiction.

  • #Rye Cove High School

Cory Roberts Age 32

Duffield, VA

Also known as: coryroberts

Cory Roberts lives in Duffield, VA. He is a 2008 graduate of Mountain Empire Community College. Companies in which he has a work history include Meat Department and Food Country Usa. Jobs he has held in the past include Electrician. Some of his favorite music is by Dirt, Evanescence, Godsmack, Nirvana, Nickelback, Chevelle, Seether, Staind, Black Sabbath and Breaking Benjamin. His favorite TV shows are Futurama, House, The Dead Zone, The X Files and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Goodfellas, Family Guy, Disturbia, Reservoir Dogs, American History X, Rescue Me, John Q, The Fog, The Messengers and Pulp Fiction are among his all-time favorite movies.

  • #Mountain Empire Community College

Cory Roberts Age 38

Duffield, VA

Cory Roberts lives in Duffield, VA.

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