2 Matches for Christy Fields from Abingdon, Virginia, USA

Christy Fields Age 37

Abingdon, VA | Lebanon, VA

Also known as: christymfields

Christy Fields lives in Abingdon, Virginia, but has also spent time in Lebanon, Virginia. She went to school at the John S. Battle High School. Companies in which she has a work history include AT&T, Customer Service, Customer Service Rep and Us Solutions. Christy loves Golden Girls. Steel Magnolias is one of her all-time favorite films.

  • #John S. Battle High School

Christy Fields Age 37

Abingdon, VA

Also known as: christymfields

Christy Fields lives in Abingdon, Virginia. She attended the John S. Battle High School. Companies in which she has a work history include AT&T, Customer Service and Us Solutions. One of her favorite TV shows is Golden Girls. Steel Magnolias is her all-time favorite film.

  • #John S. Battle High School

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