66 Matches for James Foster from Dallas, Texas, USA

James Foster Age 22

Dallas, TX

James Foster lives in Dallas, Texas.

James Foster Age 28

Dallas, TX

James Foster lives in Dallas, Texas. One of his favorite bands is Lil Wayne. He loves the movie A.t.l.

James Foster

Dallas, TX | Allen, TX

Also known as: devilreverse

James Foster lives in Dallas, TX, but has also spent time in Allen, TX.

James Foster Age 44

Suffolk, VA | Carrollton, VA | Grundy, VA

Also known as: james69dc

James Foster lives in Suffolk, VA, but has also spent time in Carrollton, VA; Grundy, VA; Dallas, TX and Allen, TX. He is employed by Not Sure. Naruto, Smallville, American Dad and Cowboy Bebop are his favorite TV shows. Batman, Superman, Iron Man, The Green Lantern and Avatar: The Last Airbender are his favorite movies. His favorite sport is Drifting.

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