4 Matches for Dwayne Smith from Burnet, Texas, USA

Dwayne Smith

Burnet, TX

Dwayne Smith lives in Burnet, TX.

Dwayne Smith Age 67

Burnet, TX | Spicewood, TX

Also known as: dwaynecsmith

Dwayne Smith lives in Burnet, TX. He has also lived in Spicewood, TX. He attended the Angelo State University and Winters High School. Companies in which he has a work history include AT&T, Real Estate, Sales, Tropical Marine, Auto, Boats, Gte Telenet and Offince Of The Attorney General. Dwayne a big fan of Rock and Easy Listening. His favorite TV shows are Lost, Ncis and Csi Shows. Among his favorite films are Star Trek and Star Wars.

  • #Angelo State University

Dwayne Smith Age 67

Burnet, TX | Spicewood, TX

Also known as: dwaynecsmith

Dwayne Smith lives in Burnet, TX. He has also lived in Spicewood, TX. He attended the Angelo State University, Winters High School and Wintershigh School. Companies in which he has a work history include AT&T, Real Estate, Sales, Tropical Marine, Auto, Boats, At&, Gte Telenet and Offince Of The Attorney General. Rock and Easy Listening are among his favorite bands. Some of his favorite TV shows are Lost, Ncis and Csi Shows. Some of the movies he loves are Star Trek and Star Wars.

  • #Angelo State University

Dwayne C. Smith Age 67

Austin, TX | Burnet, TX | Denton, TX

Dwayne Smith lives in Austin, TX, but has also spent time in Burnet, TX; Denton, TX; Houston, TX and Lake Dallas, TX. Smith Michael Smith, Mickey Jones Smith, Cynthia Miranda Hacklen, Linda Marie Rector, Barbara S Smith and Wanda Marie Stamets are some of Dwayne relatives.

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