Kristen Johnson Age 38

Memphis, TN | Germantown, TN

Also known as: pisces1235

Kristen Johnson lives in Memphis, Tennessee, but has also spent time in Germantown, Tennessee. She is an alumnus of the Evangelical Christian School I, Collierville High School and University Of Memphis. She loves music by Blues, Jazz, Techno, Phish, Pop, Pearl Jam, Dave Matthews, Widespread Panic, Easy Listening and Classic Rock. Kristen loves watching House, Law & Order, Prison Break, The Price Is Right and Csi Shows. Family Guy, Forrest Gump, The Big Lebowski, Wizard Of Oz, Waking Life, A Perfect Murder, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Skulls, Old Yeller, Outside Providence and Pulp Fiction are some of the movies Kristen loves. Martha K Johnson, William C Johnson and Marth K Johnson are in Kristen family.

  • #Evangelical Christian School I

Kristen Johnson Age 30

Dickson, TN | Charlotte, TN

Also known as: KRISTENJOHNSON07

Kristen Johnson lives in Dickson, Tennessee. She has also lived in Charlotte, Tennessee. She is a 2007 graduate of Dickson County High School. Some of her favorite bands are Rap and Hiphhop And R & B. Drama, Csi and Medical Shows are her favorite TV shows. Some of the movies Kristen loves are Comedy and The Hills.

  • #Dickson County High School

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