Damien Donovan in Defiance, OH (Ohio)

We found 2 records for Damien Donovan in Defiance, OH (Ohio)

Damien Donovan

Toledo, OH | Napoleon, OH | Defiance, OH

Also known as: DamienD

Damien Donovan lives in Toledo, Ohio. He has also lived in Napoleon, Ohio and Defiance, Ohio. John Mayer, The Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers, System Of A Down and Bob Marley are some of his favorite bands. Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Price Is Right are among his favorite TV shows. Damien loves the films Goodfellas, The Big Lebowski and Half Baked. Damien likes Sushi a lot.

Damien Donovan Age 32

Napoleon, OH | Defiance, OH | Toledo, OH

Also known as: damiend87

Damien Donovan lives in Napoleon, Ohio. He has also lived in Defiance, Ohio and Toledo, Ohio. He is an alumnus of the Owens Community College and Napoleon High School. He is employed by United Parcel Service. Damien a big fan of Incubus, Sublime, Clipse, Modest Mouse, The Beatles, Dave Matthews Band, John Butler Trio, Spy Game, The Pharcyde, Kaki King, Red Hot Chili Peppers, System Of A Down and Led Zeppelin. Some of his favorite TV shows are Television, Entourage and The Price Is Right. His favorite movies are Goodfellas, Family Guy, Dazed And Confused, Half Baked, Tears Of The Sun, The Castle and City Of God.

  • #Owens Community College

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