4 Matches for Tina White from North Babylon, New York, USA

Tina M. White Age 53

North Babylon, NY | Howard Beach, NY | Hampton, VA

Also known as: twhite627

Tina White lives in North Babylon, New York. Other places in which she has lived are Howard Beach, New York; Hampton, Virginia; Carrollton, Virginia and Newport News, Virginia. She is a 1984 graduate of Sewanhaka High School and 1991 graduate of Cuny Queens College. Reggae, R&b and Classic Rock are some of her favorite bands. Her favorite films are Grease, P.s. I Love You, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Willie Wonka And The Chocolate Factory and Willy Wonka. Some of Tina family members are Gerald Joseph White, James W White, Katomski Frank White, Jerelene Rachael White and Margaret White.

  • #Cuny Queens College

Tina M. White Age 53

Fairbanks, AK | Bellerose, NY | Elmont, NY

Tina White lives in Fairbanks, Alaska. Tina has also lived in Bellerose, New York; Elmont, New York; Floral Park, New York and Great Neck, New York.

Tina P. White Age 47

Rochester, NY | Indianapolis, IN | North Greece, NY

Tina White lives in Rochester, New York. Other places in which has lived are Indianapolis, Indiana and North Greece, New York.

Tina L. White Age 43

Schenectady, NY | Charleston, SC | North Charleston, SC

Tina White lives in Schenectady, NY. Tina has also lived in Charleston, SC and North Charleston, SC.

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