3 Matches for Samantha Olson from Reno, Nevada, USA

Samantha Olson Age 36

Reno, NV

Also known as: sammianne1983

Samantha Olson lives in Reno, NV. She is a 2002 graduate of Sandpoint High School and she works in the capacity of Counselor. Samantha enjoys listening to Country Music and Old Jazz. One of her favorite TV shows is The Mentalist. She likes Chocolate a lot.

  • #Sandpoint High School

Samantha Olson

Reno, NV

Also known as: sammianne

Samantha Olson lives in Reno, NV. Some of her favorite music is by Disturbed, The Beatles, Kris Allen and Jason Mraz. She loves watching One Tree Hill, Criminal Minds, Dog Whisperer and The Mentalist. Samantha loves the films Gandhi, The Boondock Saints, The Godfather, Get Fuzzy and Hunger Games. Her favorite sports teams are Boston Celtics, Boston Red Sox, San Francisco 49ers, Notre Dame Football and Texas Rangers.

Samantha Olson

Reno, NV

Samantha Olson lives in Reno, Nevada.

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