48 Matches for Amanda James from Michigan, USA

Amanda R. James Age 35

Portage, MI | Schoolcraft, MI | Vicksburg, MI

Also known as: aj1204

Amanda James lives in Portage, MI. Other places in which she has lived are Schoolcraft, MI; Vicksburg, MI and Kalamazoo, MI. George Edward James, Sandra Jo Cleveland, Sandra Jo James and Nicholas Edward James are some of Amanda relatives.

Amanda James Age 26

Richmond, MI | Sterling Heights, MI

Also known as: amandashorny92

Amanda James lives in Richmond, Michigan, but has also spent time in Sterling Heights, Michigan. She went to school at the Schools and she works for Jobs.

  • #Schools

Amanda James Age 27

Warren, MI | Sterling Heights, MI

Amanda James lives in Warren, MI, but has also spent time in Sterling Heights, MI.

Amanda S. James Age 40

Roseville, MI | Kalamazoo, MI | Portage, MI

Also known as: amandasejames

Amanda James lives in Roseville, Michigan. Other places in which she has lived are Kalamazoo, Michigan; Portage, Michigan; Salt Lake City, Utah and Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is a 1998 graduate of Roseville High School. She loves listening to Rap. Some of Amanda relatives are Alice Marie James, Lawrence C James, Jennifer Lynn James, Freda James, Michelle L James and Clinton O James.

  • #Roseville High School

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